
fall cakes

As any who works retail knows you very much spend time thinking, working, and planning for the season you are not currently in. Sometimes it can really throw you for a loop-like this video did for us. We were in the middle of summer with our house smelling of spiced pumpkin cakes and bare twigs were everywhere. It had me wishing there were leaves outside to crunch and cider to be sipped. Hooray that fall is finally really upon us!

Thanks to Styled magazine for letting us be a part of your beautiful fall edition-check it out here.


  1. love it! makes me want to whip up a batch of muffins right now :)

  2. I'm sitting here thinking, "How did they do that?!" What a fun video and a fun idea for serving muffins at a party. Hooray for fall!

  3. I, too, have fall fever. This is such an original idea.

  4. I love your videos and of course i have to share them everywhere! (Im a chef, maybe thats the reason for the extra love)

  5. this is an amazing, beautiful, simple and heartfelt video of a great idea. I'm such a fan of your work! I'd take a bite of dessert off a tree any day. xo Leela

  6. I love your videos. They make me so happy, and I really can't explain why.

  7. You are so talented and witty! Beautiful!

  8. this is really pretty, guys! love it.

  9. I love your videos!
    I have been addicted to them, visit your blog everyday and look at your work!

    All my best
    Christin from sweden

  10. how pretty, I was looking forward for a recipe
    but this is a really cute idea for a gathering of some sort (:

  11. FANTASTIC such a great job! and so awesome you did this for a magazine. this was the kind of thing i was referring to when i emailed you, we would love to do similar things. you inspire us :)

  12. this is so beautiful. i may have said "mmmm, genius" out loud when you the people took the muffins off the strings to eat them....and my husband laughed at me.

  13. This is by far the coolest idea I have ever seen. I think it would also be lots of fun to do with doughnut holes.

  14. oh my, how darling!!
    I looove this, it's magical!

    thank you for sharing!

  15. This is by far the coolest idea I have ever seen. I think it would also be lots of fun to do with doughnut holes.

  16. just landed on your blog...sooo loving what i'm seeing. a treat this morning;)

  17. Hello from Paris, France!
    I have just stumbled upon your blog and have been looking at page, after page. Your work is simply mesmerizing.
    I wish I could have subscribed to your blog in order to not miss an update. Do you plan on implementing such an option in the future?
    Congrats on your work anyway, and I'll bookmark your blog and try to remember to pop by as often as possible!
    Ho, and since 'tis the season: Happy (creative) 2013 to you guys,
